Why us?

We are market leaders when it comes to high-impact networking, high-value content and seamless execution. Our events provide some of the highest ROI in the year for our clients and attracts leaders who truly call the shots in the banking arena – we’re talking CEOs of Barclays, HSBC, Chase, Revolut and more.

MoneyLIVE has a foothold in 3 continents: Europe, Asia and North America, and is known for giving our community access to insights they can’t gain anywhere else, thanks to carefully curated agendas and influential speakers on stage. This isn’t another pitch-fest, it’s a place for genuine learning, inspiration and valuable networking with senior leaders. We cut through the noise and bring unparalleled value to the forefront at every MoneyLIVE event.

Why MoneyLIVE?

MoneyLIVE sets the agenda for banking and payments innovation across the globe.

We are market leaders when it comes to high-impact networking, high-value content and seamless execution. Our events provide some of the highest ROI in the year for our clients and attracts leaders who truly call the shots in the banking arena – we’re talking CEOs of Barclays, HSBC, Chase, Revolut and more.

MoneyLIVE has a foothold in 3 continents: Europe, Asia and North America, and is known for giving our community access to insights they can’t gain anywhere else, thanks to carefully curated agendas and influential speakers on stage. This isn’t another pitch-fest, it’s a place for genuine learning, inspiration and valuable networking with senior leaders.

We cut through the noise and bring unparalleled value to the forefront at every MoneyLIVE event.

MoneyLIVE about us

Why now?

With so much going on in the FinTech world, it can be hard for incumbent players to focus. Our founders set on a journey to co-create strategic agendas with incumbent banks, to truly serve the banking community – and so MoneyLIVE was born.

At MoneyLIVE, we strive to cut through the noise and bring true value, influence and strategic focus to the table for banks all over the world. We work hard to unite the most influential leaders across the banking and payments landscape, from Europe, to Asia, to North America. Over the years the MoneyLIVE ecosystem has gone from strength to strength, attracting C-suite leaders from banks in every continent – you won’t get this level of influence anywhere else.

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