In an era of open innovation, increased digital competition and ever-changing customer demands, the age of ‘one-size-fits-all’ banking is ending. BigTech continues to set new standards for digital excellence: for banks seeking to stand out in the market, hyper-personalisation and value-adding customer propositions are now essential.

From tailored offerings to PFM to micro-segmentation, this webinar explores the most urgent customer needs and pain points driving the next wave of banking and VAS innovation in today’s digital era, as well as strategies to accelerate time to market.

Watch to gain insight on:

  • Outlining the end goal: from serving the individual to accelerating delivery, what are the VAS priorities?
  • Modernising legacy architecture: what are the IT challenges when launching new value propositions, and how can they be overcome?
  • Execution and delivery: from micro-segmentation to platform technology, achieving seamless, speedy and structured engagement banking

  • The fall of one-size-fits-all: what are the pitfalls and how should banks rethink their approach?
  • Hygiene factors vs tailored and value-adding proposition: what are the key differentiators?
  • The need for speed: how can banks decrease time to market for new value propositions?
  • Approaching architecture ‘from the inside out’: what infrastructure sticking points must banks overcome?
  • Understanding and using micro-segmentation: how to unlock new personalisation heights
  • Integration, quality, consent: overcoming data challenges to achieve next-level tailoring
  • The future of value propositions: how can a connected, real-time, modular approach to IT unlock value from the ‘internet of things’?

Panellists include:

Mary MacPherson
Mary MacPherson
Group Director, Customer
Bank of Ireland
Camilla Dahl Hansen
Camilla Dahl Hansen
Chief Saxo Experience Officer, Senior Vice President
Formerly Saxo Bank
Anders Berg Jensen
Anders Berg Jensen
First Vice President | Housing Journeys Tribe
Danske Bank
Tim Rutten
Tim Rutten

About Backbase

Backbase enables banks to break free from the constraints of legacy IT systems and embrace a new-generation engagement banking platform.

Our whitelabel platform enables banks to gradually replace or decompose disparate legacy systems and construct a modern journey orchestration architecture around customer needs. These incremental changes allow banks to streamline business critical customer journeys across all touch points while eliminating silos and empowering both customers and employees at their unique pace and priority.

Furthermore, a unique “buy plus build” operating model enables banks to gain speed and flexibility, allowing them to accelerate in their modernization journey. Adopting powerful out-of-the-box platform features and customer journeys into their existing tech ecosystem, enables banks to start delivering immediate value. At the same time the platform’s capability to coexist in open polyglot architectures gives developers the freedom and flexibility to build unique, differentiating value, rather than building the basic functionalities from scratch.

With Backbase, banks can truly unlock the potential of customer-centricity and lead the way in shaping the future of banking. We help banks re-architecting banking around their customers through omni-channel engagement orchestration.

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