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Cyber resilience in an evolving risk landscape


The demands of the digital world – flexibility, openness, and real-time big data – are increasing cyber vulnerability, just as the cyber threat itself is increasing. In this webinar, digital, technology, risk and security experts from across industries discuss how to balance today’s data and processing requirements with a rigorous cyber resilience strategy.

The panel discusses:

  • From business interruption loans to mortgage holidays: evaluating the current landscape
  • Delivering on social responsibility: exploring the role of lending in today’s society
  • Preparing for times of financial difficulty and recovery: being flexible while maintaining margins
  • Keeping vulnerable customers in mind: what’s the best approach during challenging times?
  • Lending in a remote world: identifying the key changes to products, services and operations
  • Developing efficient processes to grant customers faster access to loans and funding
  • Embracing ML and automation: enabling low-touch lending processes for the next normal
  • Uncovering the power of AI and big data to transform credit checks and approvals
  • Optimising the use of advanced analytics in the collections process: strategies for success

Meet the panel

  • Charles Ewen, Chief Information Officer, Met Office

  • Robin Smith, CISO, Aston Martin

  • Matthew Fordham, Storage Technical Leader, IBM

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This broadcast is sponsored by IBM

IBM is a global cloud platform and cognitive solutions company, which has continually evolved over the past century to remain at the forefront of technological innovation. Our capabilities in data and analytics, cloud, mobile, social and security have helped the UK evolve to become one of the world’s most digitally advanced nations. This digital revolution empowers us and our clients to gather and analyse data in ways that have never been possible before—helping UK organisations unlock new insights and usher in a new era of cognitive business.


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