Sunil Dixit

Managing Director - Global Client Solutions, BBVA

Sunil Dixit is a Managing Director in BBVA’s Global Client Solutions area and leads the delivery of the digital transformation of the bank to support the achievement of BBVA’s strategic purpose of bringing the age of opportunity to everyone.

Client Solutions is the main creation areas of the bank, including delivery of core new capabilities and New Digital Businesses – which focuses on investing and launching disruptive innovative digital banking businesses as well as fostering collaboration and partnerships with the start-up and developer ecosystem.

Sunil joined BBVA in July 2017 and is based in Madrid. Prior to BBVA, he worked for Barclays, leading on strategy, embracing disruptive technologies and the start-up ecosystem.

Sunil graduated from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) in India with a Bachelors in Technology (BTech). He subsequently studied for an MBA in Strategy and Finance at the University of Carnegie Mellon (CMU).

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