Stuart Simmons

Stuart Simmons

Sales Director, Banking and Finance, Denodo

Stuart Simmons, Sales Director at Denodo, is responsible for the company’s relationship with the UK Banking and Finance sector. He is passionate about supporting the banking and finance community in transforming financial services in the UK and enabling customers to create new and innovative business services.

Stuart has over 30 years of experience and has held senior sales positions in IBM, Oracle and VMware providing solutions across a range of disciplines including infrastructure, services and data.

Stuart Simmons, Sales Director at Denodo, is responsible for the company’s relationship with the UK Banking and Finance sector. He is passionate about supporting the banking and finance community in transforming financial services in the UK and enabling customers to create new and innovative business services.

Stuart has over 30 years of experience and has held senior sales positions in IBM, Oracle and VMware providing solutions across a range of disciplines including infrastructure, services and data.

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