Paul Harrald is the CEO of Curve Credit Limited, building a new lending business for Curve. Prior to joining Curve, Paul worked with CreditEase Fintech VC Fund of $500 million, where he led the fund’s UK and EU venture capital investments.
Paul has been a Credit and Risk Advisor at Google and ran alternative lending at the hedge fund manager Arrowgrass Capital Partners. Paul also was a founding member and CIO at the successful fintech start-up, SAV Credit, now Newday Ltd., that sold for $742m in 2011.
Paul has been an executive Director at The Royal Bank of Scotland, serving on the boards of the credit cards issuing and merchant acquiring businesses, where he ran IT and quantitative analytics. He also worked at Standard Chartered Bank (SCB) based in Singapore and in London. At SCB, he was a member of the Executive Management team and Credit and Risk Management committees as Group Head of Risk Strategy and Global Head of Portfolio Risk. He was also global head of risk strategy and decision science for GE Capital and its consumer lending businesses.
Paul has advised and provided training to supranationals such as the IMF, and several central banks on implications of banking regulation.
Paul was tenured at the University of Manchester and served as a visiting Professor in Computing Science at UCL, an advisor to the Alan Turing Institute and as a visiting scholar at the Max Planck Institute, Edinburgh University AI Applications Institute, Helsingin kauppakorkeakoulu and elsewhere.
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