Adrian is Founder and Managing Partner of Convergence Ventures, Indonesia’s largest local focused early stage Venture Fund. He is a board director/ Investor at several Internet companies including East Asia’s largest live streaming company, M17; Indonesia’s largest female Fashion e-Commerce, Salestock and Indonesia’s largest F&B review/ media site Qraved. Previously, Adrian had co-founded and run ventures in both China and Indonesia independently and as a Rocket Internet Managing Director.
Adrian’s first Internet venture was Idapted where as CEO and cofounder he completed 2 rounds of venture financing and led the company to be the largest provider of live 1:1 online test preparation instruction in China. Idapted was acquired by Eleutian in 2011.
Prior to attending Stanford GSB Adrian worked in London. This included starting up Globalegacy, a social enterprise incubator and several years in Corporate Finance, Investment Banking with JPMorgan.