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Payments transformation: unearthing new value

Succeeding in a changing payments ecosystem


10 March | 2:15pm GMT | Business Design Centre, London

It is a period of immense change for the payments industry. With the IPR making instant payments the new normal across the SEPA area, the ISO 20022 migration deadline fast approaching, and open banking innovation taking off as PSD3 is finalised, transformation to keep pace with that change has never been more essential. Critical to enterprise success is grasping the opportunities that APIs and Artificial Intelligence can provide in streamlining payments architectures, while navigating the challenges of payment resilience and security.

This roundtable will bring together leaders from across the payments ecosystem to discuss how to rise to those challenges and unlock new value through payments modernisation.

Attend to gain insights on:

  • The strategic and competitive drivers of payments transformation
  • Readying for the challenges of regulatory change
  • The innovation opportunities arising from open banking, instant payments and ISO 20022
  • The role of AI in transforming payments
  • Navigating challenges in security and resilience

Welcome and participant introductions


  • How are competitive and regulatory changes driving the need for modernisation?
  • The transformation imperative: what are the priorities for modernisation today?
  • From batch-based to instant: what does it take to become instant payment ready?
  • ISO 20022 migration and leveraging enriched data: where do the opportunities lie?
  • Build, test, deploy: how can the ease of open banking development be enhanced?
  • How can open APIs enable agile microservice-based architectures?
  • Harnessing AI for transformation: where can AI and automation help drive value?
  • How can security and resilience be embedded throughout transformation initiatives?
  • Building for scalability: how can higher payment volumes be managed effectively without compromising performance?

Closing remarks

(60 minutes)


Dan Wilson
Dan Wilson
Head of Payments Strategy, Industry & Roadmap
Nationwide Building Society

Request an invitation

This roundtable is designed for senior figures working across banking and financial services.

Fill in this short form if you meet the above criteria and would like to participate in the discussion on 10 March. All invitation requests will be vetted and approved (or declined) by the organiser.

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