MoneyLIVE Asia - banking and payments event logo

Innovation accelerated.

Asia’s most senior banking and payments event.

MoneyLIVE Asia - banking and payments event logo

Innovation accelerated.

Asia’s most senior banking and payments event.


Join us at Singapore’s iconic Marina Bay Sands this September


MoneyLIVE Asia is designed by banks, for banks.

With banking & payments leaders across Asia making up the lion’s share of the audience, this is the banking conference where you can uncover transformational strategies that leave the competition behind.

Audience seniority icon
Experience icon - speakers
Experience icon - financial institutions
C-level, Director, VP, or Head of level
Visionary speakers
Financial institutions
Payments conference experience icon - content
Payments conference experience icon - networking
Payments conference experience icon - after party
Choice of content
across 3 streams
Matchmaking app uptake
ultimate drinks reception
Audience seniority icon
C-level, Director, VP, or Head of level
Experience icon - speakers
Visionary speakers
Experience icon - financial institutions
Financial institutions
Payments conference experience icon - content
Choice of content
across 3 streams
Payments conference experience icon - networking
Matchmaking app uptake
Payments conference experience icon - after party
Ultimate networking
drinks reception


For industry updates and live speaker announcements, follow MoneyLIVE Asia on LinkedIn.

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Thematically focused sessions are structured to provide thought-provoking, actionable insights from the cutting-edge of banking and payments across Asia

A new banking era

  • Digital banking licenses
  • Open banking
  • Digital-first banking

Speakers include: CEO, UNO Digital Bank | CPO, Trust Bank | CEO, AlRajhi Bank

Open ecosystems

  • Embedded finance
  • Marketplace strategies
  • BaaS

Speakers from: Singtel |Standard Chartered

Data supremacy

  • New data sources
  • Optimal data management
  • Data protection

Speakers from: Kasikorn Line | Bank Negara | Citi

Lending innovation

  • BNPL
  • Credit risk accuracy
  • Competing with Big Tech

Speakers from: HSBC | CIMB Thai | Funding Societies

Payment innovation

  • New payments infrastructure
  • PoS & wallet innovation
  • Counter-fraud innovation

Speakers include: YouTrip | Amazon | Deutsche Bank | HSBC | Swift | Coinbase | DBS | OCBC | Zalora | Bank Rakyat

Digital currencies

  • CBDCs
  • Crypto wallets
  • Stable coin insurance

Speakers from: Standard Chartered

Next-gen CX

  • Digital IDs
  • Hyper-personalization
  • Web3

Speakers from: UOB Vietnam| Bank Danamon | Techcombank | WorldX | Centre for Quantum Technologies


What to expect from our banking and payments event icon - banks centre stage

Designed by banks, for banks

MoneyLIVE Asia is the event where bank-led conversations will be take center stage. Gain strategic insights from our senior audience made up of over 60% financial institutions with over 60% attendees with job titles at C-level, President, Director and Vice President.

What to expect from our banking and payments event icon - insights

Insights from across Asia

Thematically focused sessions structured to provide maximum insights from the cutting-edge of banking and payments. Listen to speakers representing leading banks from all over Asia as they share their strategies for 2023 and beyond.

What to expect from our banking and payments event icon - partnerships

New partnership opportunities

Meet and connect with fellow senior banking leaders through:

  • Workshops
  • Matchmaking app
  • The ultimate networking drinks reception



Check out the regions biggest players attending our banking and payments event.

Companies attending MoneyLIVE Asia finance event
Companies attending MoneyLIVE Asia finance event
Grid of logos of companies attending our banking event
Grid of logos of companies attending our banking conference


Take a look at the jam-packed agenda for our two day banking and payments event.

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“Terrific presenters and lively chat. I’ll be back next year!”

Chief Information Officer – Asia Pacific, HSBC 

Photos of previous MoneyLIVE banking events


Event sponsorship icon - thought leadership

Thought leadership

Taking part in a fireside chat, fielding a chair or participating in a panel discussion alongside industry leaders are just some of the thought-leadership opportunities for you to showcase your insight and expertise.

Event sponsorship icon - branding

Brand awareness

You want to ensure your brand is front of mind with senior players in the banking and finance world. Using multiple channels across MoneyLIVE, we have the megaphone to tell your story and increase visibility of your brand.

Event sponsorship icon - lead generation

Lead generation

We get industry leaders, you form lasting connections with those who have genuine buying power. From 1-2-1 meetings via a VIP concierge, to bespoke roundtables, the opportunities are endless.


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