Generative AI beyond the hype: harnessing the potential for banking

From CX and employee empowerment to cost saving and streamlined operations: pinpointing the real-world benefits of generative AI for RPA

9 November |  11AM GMT | Online

The ChatGPT hype has banks preparing for the influx of generative AI technology across their systems and products. However, organisations must now look beyond implementing generative AI simply to keep up with the latest fad and identify the key business areas where new technology could have the most tangible impact.

This roundtable discussion will look beyond the hype to explore in-depth where and how generative AI can make the most difference to banking strategy and services, whether it’s CX and employee empowerment or cost saving with streamlined operations.

What we will explore


Seeing through the hype: from CX to workflows, where can generative AI innovation have real impact?


Identifying internal priorities: how can generative AI work with RPA to benefit teams and departments?


Turning hype to practicality: considering generative AI in a regulatory context.

The Customer Revolution In-person Roundtable


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9 November | 11AM GMT
75 minutes

Welcome and participant introductions

Scene setter | Defining generative AI success: setting the criteria for the best use case

Discussion: Generative AI beyond the hype: harnessing the AI and RPA potential for banking

  • The generative AI outlook: why is adoption becoming increasingly critical for banks?
  • Overcoming barriers to testing and adoption: targeting the right teams, from IT and cloud to compliance and risk.
  • Identifying real impact: how can innovation teams begin to separate hype from reality?
  • Generative AI for CX: which customer touchpoints have the most potential for AI-driven innovation?
  • From chatbots to enquiry analysis: how can generative AI best streamline CX operations?
  • Identifying operational success: how do considerations differ between departments?
  • Enhancing automation: to what extent is generative AI alongside RPA the silver bullet to first class operational strategy?
  • KYC, good customer outcomes, Due Diligence: how can generative AI enhance compliance efforts and create internal efficiencies?
  • After the fad: in five years’ time, what might the balance between human and digital look like in banking?

Closing remarks

Request an invitation

This roundtable is designed for senior figures working across banking, payments and financial services

Fill in this short form if you meet the above criteria and would like to participate in the discussion on 9 November. All invitation requests will be vetted and approved (or declined) by the organiser.

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We are UiPath and we believe in using the transformative power of automation and AI to liberate the boundless potential of people and accelerate human achievement. Today, we’re pushing our boundaries beyond Robotic Process Automation, delivering the world’s most powerful and easy-to-use AI-Powered Business Automation Platform. We encourage the best minds to contribute and create the next leap in AI-powered automation. Together we can up-level people to create and consume automations that make the world a better place for everyone, everywhere. Based in New York City, UiPath is a global company with development centers across the United States, Romania, India and Japan.

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